Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The school term is almost over! It means, I can finally take a break from all of my academic obligations.

I can't wait till my dissertation paper is finally done. I know I still have to work on it for the next couple of terms still, but the short school break will definitely do wonders to my already tired mind.

But before I end this term, I decided to look for write-ups and articles that could help me with my writing tasks. Good thing I found a very informative site that discusses how to compose a dissertation paper with less hassles that what we've used to.

Here are some of the useful tips that was mentioned in the site:

"Repeat to reiterate - All the important parts of the paper, such as the introduction of the ideas, its explanation and summary, should be given an emphasis in the entire paper. They are normally repeated at least three times in the entire paper. "

Read the entire link here:

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